Gay bars las vegas matinee

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Make a style statement at Matinee Las Vegas, where you are sure to be surrounded by like-minded people that are all there to have an absolute blast! There are more pool parties on this weekend than you can sling your Speedos at, so be prepared to show off your sexy swimsuits and gear across several nights.

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But this is far from your typical party, with many attendees dressing up in costumes to match the themes of events. Matinee Las Vegas has expanded over the years to become a gay institution within the gay community, a series of events that include a weekend filled with parties that cater to every niche in the LGBT+ community.

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As in past years, this is the ultimate circuit party that is not to be missed, and with pre-sale tickets still available, there’s no time like the present to purchase tickets at the best price. Taking the circuit party to the next level is something Las Vegas is known for and for the Matinee Las Vegas 2018 – which runs from May 25 th– 28 th – expect gorgeous gay men, hot bodies, and top-notch talent to descend upon Sin City for a weekend that is sure to be epic. This article was published on April 5th, 2018

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